Audition Information
If you haven't already, please fill out the audition form here:
Hello, and thank you for your interest in The Harborettes (Seattle, WA) or The HoneyBees (Vancouver, WA)!
About Us:
The main goals of The Harborettes and The HoneyBees are to have fun and share joy with others through our music. We sometimes do volunteer performances at retirement homes and fundraisers. We have practice performances (like open mic nights), and we also do tip gigs (like farmers markets). Most performances are paid, but don’t quit your day job and expect to get rich! Our focus is always on making others happy, with paid gigs as a side benefit.
For Those Who Pass Auditions:
Singers are responsible for their own travel expenses. You can purchase your own costume, or borrow one from our costume closet (with a waiver).
Members must be able to access and use our online page that contains scheduling, sheet music, etc.
Once you are an official member, you can expect to be paid $30+ per hour for most performances, and more during holidays. Rehearsal time is not paid. There is no minimum performance requirement once you become a member.
HoneyBees - rehearsals take place in West Vancouver, WA and Camas, WA.
Harborettes - rehearsals take place at singers' homes near downtown Seattle and Kenomore.
How to Audition:
Please find the sheet music below for the part(s) you are auditioning for. There are corresponding practice tracks for all parts. Once you learn the part, please contact me and let me know you are ready to schedule your audition, unless I have indicated you will do an online audition. For an online audition, please learn the correct part, then make a video of yourself singing your part while the track with the other two parts is playing in the background. For example, if you are auditioning for alto, use the tracks to learn the alto part. Then video yourself singing the alto part with the track that has soprano 1 and soprano 2 only. Please let me know if you need help or have questions about this.
Please email me at: and include any questions you may have.
We look forward to hearing from you!